Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
023: The Art of Buying and Selling Businesses with Greg Barnes
Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Greg Barnes began his entrepreneurial journey in his early 20's by purchasing a tow truck on credit. He had a vision, created a plan, and took the leap that so many are too afraid to take. Fast forward to today and Greg has created 6 businesses, 4 of which he was able to sell. Now he is the CEO at Transworld Business Advisors Charlotte Downtown. He uses his past experience and success to help others fulfill their dreams of buying or selling a company.
In this episode, Greg takes us through some of his stories as a young business owner. He gives us key lessons learned. Greg discusses negotiating a business transaction on the buy and sell side. We also get in to marketing and business growth strategies.
Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
022: Impact Businesses and B-Corps with Founder & CEO Michelle Tunno Buelow
Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
The failure rate for small businesses is astronomical. The failure rate for first time entrepreneurs is even higher. Michelle Tunno Buelow beat those odds while also having her business, Bella Tunno, donate a meal to a child in need for every product they sell since day one!
Today, Bella Tunno has given almost 5 million meals to children. In this episode, Michelle shares about the differences of an impact driven company. We go deep in to what a B-Corporation is. She talks about systems in place in the company to ensure integrity and commitment to the mission. Michelle also discusses the perks of a purpose centered organization from things such as loyalty, employee motivation, and culture.
This is a must listen for anybody in a leadership position as well as anyone with a passion to have a positive impact on the world. Connect with Michelle on LinkedIn, check out Bella Tunno and follow them on Instagram @BellaTunno.
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
021: Top Level Leadership with Founder & President Jeff Wolfberg
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
Jeff Wolfberg has built two startups that turned in to industry leaders. He's been able to successfully exit each company. With Jeff's experience overseeing companies from 1 employee to over 1,000, he shared many thoughts and lessons on leading companies of all different sizes.
Today Jeff runs CEO Focus of the Carolinas, where he conducts business advisory boards as well as coaches and consults for companies. In this episode, Jeff takes us through his journey of starting and selling his first business. We dive in to mistakes and misconceptions that has shaped his journey. Anybody who is in a leadership position will be able to take a lot away from this episode.
Check out Jeff on LinkedIn, and check out CEO Focus of the Carolinas.
Friday Oct 09, 2020
020: Habits of a Renaissance Man, Founder & President Spencer Lueders
Friday Oct 09, 2020
Friday Oct 09, 2020
"Finding what you have energy for is where you need to be" Spencer Lueders is the founder of the nonprofit 24 Foundation, has had a 21 year career as an attorney, is the owner and President of State Building Services, is the Founder of Ride Rock Hill, and is a husband and a parent. If anybody understands prioritizing focus and spending time where you get the most energy, it's Spencer.
Spencer shared with us habits such as his morning routine, which starts at 4:20am. He discusses some of the most pivotal points in his life and the lessons he has taken away from them. We discuss scalability of organizations and how important it is to have the right people in the right seats. We hit on this and much more.
Enjoy the lessons found throughout Spencer's journey. Be sure to follow him on LinkedIn and on Instagram @Spencerlueders. Check out 24 Foundation and State Building Services.
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
019: Successfully Exit Your Business, CEO & Founder Mac Lackey
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
When looking to discuss scaling and exiting companies, Mac Lackey immediately comes to mind. Mac has had 6 exits, including multiple 8 figure exits. He has now created a community called The FENX to help entrepreneurs escape the grind and pursue what matters most to them. He has a mastermind focusing on scaling and selling companies called ExitDNA.
In this episode, Mac talks through his journey of businesses and exits. He provides a plethora of advice on how to prep your company to sell. We discuss why it is so important to be in a position to be able to sell, even if that is not your goal. Mac shares how he gets valuations well above industry averages.
To learn more about Mac, go to The FENX , maclackey.com , and connect with Mac on LinkedIn.
Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
018: Handling Risk In Your Organization, Founder Vanessa Vaughn Mathews
Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
Vanessa Vaughn Mathews was sitting in her car, when within seconds the winds picked up, things were flying past her windows, and a lady was holding on to a lamp post to prevent herself from flying away. This experience changed Vanessa's perspective on crises and led her down a career path of risk management.
After working for The U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Lowe's, and Gulfstream Aerospace, Vanessa founded a business resilience advisory firm. In this conversation, Vanessa lays out how companies should be preparing for crises ahead of time, how to handle an unexpected issue, and how to appropriately build a diverse and inclusive work culture.
Vanessa also dives in to the racial discrimination within our country, what we can be doing about it, and how business leaders should be responding.
To learn more about Vanessa, connect with her on LinkedIn , check out Asfalis Advisors, or on social media @AsfalisAdvisors.
Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
017: Shifting Gear In Your Career and Life, Founder & CEO Robert Fish
Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
It's difficult building a business and selling it. It's difficult coaching and helping mid market CEOs steer their companies. It's difficult being a pro mountain bike racer. It's even more difficult to become pro at age 40 racing against people half your age.
This episode's guest, Robert Fish, has done all of those things at an elite level. Robert shares about changing directions in your life, why the word pivot is typically the wrong way to think about making a change, and how to build upon your passions. Robert also takes us through his incredible journey of becoming a pro mountain bike racer at 40 years old after having tremendous business success and still being in his career.
If you are looking for a great business book about achieving epic wins, Robert's book The Break Away Move is the book for you.
Reach out to Robert at Robert@InsightCXO.com, or check out his company here.
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
016: Building Your Best Life- Human Behavior Hacker & CEO Hilary Porta
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
Hilary Porta took a massive pivot from a successful corporate strategist career to starting her own company helping others shape the life they desire. But it didn't stop there. Hilary saw the value in topics most coaches ignore. Hilary took years to develop in areas such as neuropsychology, neuroscience, cognitive behavior, and metaphysical anatomy. The result was a practice where Hilary is able to help individuals shatter their deepest limits and architect their best lives.
In our conversation, Hilary discusses the biggest hurdles she sees in her clients. She talks through specific stories and scenarios to give you a peek behind the curtain. Hilary addresses how you can play big while also staying in the present.
This episode with Hilary dives in to topics that are on most of our minds every day. The struggles and internal conflicts we all experience. Buckle in for this episode and open your mind to how what she is discussing can apply to your life.
Follow Hilary on LinkedIn, Facebook, or on Instagram @hp_the_life_architect. Her site was hacked and they are working on it, but you can still check it out at hporta.com.
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
015: The Power of Mentorship with Chris Elmore & Stacy Cassio
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Chris Elmore has been with AvidXChange, the first unicorn (billion dollar valuation of a private company) in Charlotte, NC.
Stacy Cassio is the Founder & CEO of the Pink Mentor Network, which is a high growth female mentorship community, and the first of its kind in Charlotte.
So when these two accepted coming on to Anything But Typical together to discuss mentorship, we knew it would be a powerful episode. Chris & Stacy packed this episode with nuggets of wisdom. Stacy shared her 6 Mentorship Levels. Chris, who has published 9 books and over 500 articles, gave us insight on his writing process. Each went in depth on each side of mentorship- including how to approach getting a mentor and what the mentor can get out of the relationship.
Be sure to check out TheChrisElmore.com and follow Chris on LinkedIn. Also check out PinkMentorNetwork.com, follow Stacy on LinkedIn. Follow @PinkMentorNetwork and @TheChrisElmore on Instagram.
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
014: Navigating Your Next Season- Founder Mark Linsz
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
Mark Linsz helped safely steer Bank of America through the worst of the financial crisis as Corporate Treasurer. He now uses this experience, along with leadership roles within Bank of America on 3 continents, as Co-Founder and Senior Managing Partner at My Next Season.
My Next Season serves individuals that are going through a transition in their lives and careers. In this podcast episode, Mark shares the most important tips for anybody attempting to navigate a transition. He breaks down his large corporate America leadership experience and what has played a role in his startup.
Mark dives deep on lessons learned from living and working on different continents. He elaborates on purpose and how that can serve as a north star in your career.
Tune in for priceless insight on how you can retrain your mindset around your career and life.
Check out Mark on LinkedIn and look in to My Next Season as well.